by Giulia | Jan 13, 2020 | Parties
Carnival is approaching and it's time to PARTY! The appointment is for everyone: Sunday 9 February from 3 to 5.30 pm at the Wachtelied Pavilijoen in Wachterliedplantsoen 1-3, 1055 SB Amsterdam This year we will have an entire gym available...
by Giulia | Jan 7, 2020 | Parents
Together is born, a new family coaching opportunity that we believe can respond to the needs and concerns of many parents living here in the Netherlands. Together is a privileged listening space, in which the parent can rethink what happens...
by Lo Stivaletto | Jan 6, 2020 | Parents
The first appointment of the new year is scheduled for Saturday 18 January 2020, from 3pm to 4.30pm, at De Havelaar and is entirely dedicated to parents and their good intentions 😉 : The method and principles of Montessori teaching Presented by Viviana.. .
by Lo Stivaletto | Jan 6, 2020 | Creativity, Parties, Reading aloud for children
The smiles and laughter we exchanged during the Stivaletto Christmas lunch were endless. AND’ It was the perfect conclusion to a crackling 2019. A special thank you goes to Elena and her I Libri Volanti – Italian library in...