We know that it is difficult to choose the right course, understand its advantages and that there can be many doubts, so we thought of give you the opportunity to get to know our team of educators and ask them your questions on the scheduled courses, through a series of ONLINE MEETINGS live on our social profiles.

👉Discovering the Boot is the title of this short cycle LIVE chats, which await you online at 9pm starting next week.

To participate, simply connect online to our social profile.

📌 Discovering the boot with Giovanna: the JUNIOR 4-6 and BOYS 7-9 courses
Monday 5 September – 9pm | Live on Facebook

📌 Discovering the Boot with Jasmine: IN THE KITCHEN workshops 1-10+
Wednesday 7 September – 9pm | Live on Instagram

📌 Discovering the boot with Vera: the MICRO 0-1 and MUSICAL PREPARATORY 2-3 courses
Friday 9 September – 9pm | Live on Instagram

We are waiting for you!