The winter holidays are upon us and it's time to get ready with the Boot Christmas Party!
We are waiting for you Sunday 11 December from 14.30 to 17.30 at the Jungle Amsterdam, a small theater near Oosterpark – in Tweede van Swindenstraat 26 – to have fun with our families and friends, to meet new ones and fully immerse ourselves in the spirit of the period.
Secure your entrance ticket who!
Here is what we have organized for the Christmas Party:
🎁 Christmas raffle: the game that moves memories and always makes us feel at home. With prizes for all winners!
📕 Joan and her stories: a magical moment of reading aloud, games and music together with the true storyteller of the Stivaletto. Warning: with Giovanna it is impossible to sit still 😉
🎅 Creative corner: paper, glue and lots of ideas for creating decorations and preparing a letter for Santa Claus.
🧸 Kids swap market*: barter market, where you can exchange objects – in good condition – that you no longer use. It is the right opportunity to lighten the wardrobe and find gifts and contribute together to a more sustainable Christmas.
If you're curious *, we'll share all the details soon!
🍰 Italian taste: what would Christmas be without panettone, pandoro and some delicacies to have a snack together?!
We are waiting for you to celebrate together!
Participation fees
Entrance with Stivaletto card '22-'23 (adults and children* 3+): € 7
Entrance without card (adults and children* 3+): € 10
Child* 0-2 years: free
Stay tuned * to our channels for all the next updates!